
Dear Loyal Phonetography Enthusiasts,

The Phonetographers are excited to make our very first News Announcement on such a sunny Sunday afternoon! We thought it would be important and fun to keep you a little up-to-date on the things that are happening around us. I’ll try to keep things brief, instead of forcing you to stay here for hours against your will. We’re excited about all the developments taking place, so please don’t be intimidated by the likely abundance of exclamation marks.

  • Social Media! The Phonetographers are a social bunch, and what better way to foster conversation than by taking over multiple social media sites at the same time?
    • The Phonetographers are on Pinterest! Check out our photos plus others that we love from around the world.
    • We’re also on Tumblr! You know, for those of you who are scared of WordPress. But good for you for facing your fears and visiting every once in a while. We’re proud of you.
    • Facebook and Twitter are coming soon! Once we’re established on Twitter, help us get “#Phonetography” trending worldwide to beat out “#WeLoveTrey.” I don’t love Trey. I don’t even know who Trey is. So obviously we deserve Trey’s Twitter spot.
  • New Additions! The Phonetographers would like to welcome Steve and Jason to the team! Steve is an Instagram Master (official title) and studies Awesomeness at the University of Waterloo. Jason travels around North America taking photos of things he’s planning on stealing. You may remember his Guest Photo of Chicago from last week – the very next day, the entire city vanished. But we know, Jason. We know.
  • Photo Contest! This isn’t being run by us, but we fully endorse it. Diptic is a photo app for iOS and Android that features beautiful filters, frames, and colour adjustments, and it also allows you to create small photo collages with your images. Until May 29, you can submit your Diptic photo to their contest for a chance to win an OlloClip (a fisheye, wide-angle, and macro lens for the iPhone)! If you’re interested, check out the site here. Once you’ve got the app and a photo to submit, you can either send it by email or post it on a hashtag-friendly social media platform with the tag #DipticTellTheStory. We’re excited to see what you can do!
  • Newsletter! Again, this is not through us, but it’s cool and relevant. Getty Images has just released a newsletter called The Curve, and most of this issue revolves around Social Photography. Check it out here – we hope you find it interesting! For those of you who only come for the pretty pictures, rest assured that The Curve also has lots of fun things to look at.
  • New Website! This one IS about us. We’re in the process of building a new website! No word yet on when it might be don,e but we’ll give you plenty of notice before we make the switch. It’ll be an incredible upgrade when it happens – so stay tuned! Still no naked people though, sorry.

That’s it from us! Probably feels like a lot, but that’s the way it goes when you’re big and famous like us. Remember to check us out on Pinterest and Tumblr, and stay tuned for Twitter and Facebook.

Lots of hugs and high-fives and fist bumps and awkward nods from all of us here,

The Phonetographers.

As a note: even though we’re not on Twitter yet, there’s no reason why you should wait to bump out “#WeLoveTrey” and make room for “#Phonetography.” Or “#WeLovePhonetography” if you want to stay consistent. Whatever works for you.

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